
tête du cochon - Longman & Eagle

An Introduction...

Hello and welcome to Food Babies, a blog about all things eating, cooking and procuring (food related items) in Chicago. In attempt to avoid rambling on for pages and pages, below is an introduction to Food Babies in a hopefully more succinct question and answer format:

Q. What can I expect to find on Food Babies?

A. Posts on Food Babies will generally fit into one of three categories: Eating, Cooking, and Procuring.
  • Eating - Restaurants reviewed here will range from obscure, hard to find neighborhood joints, to some of the nicest places in town. Bottom line, if they are serving good food, we want to eat and write about it. As Food Babies is comprised of 8 total staff members (and the occasional guest contributor), the style of each restaurant review will vary greatly, but you can always expect to find details about a restaurant's service, ambiance and food. Additionally, each review will include a rating of "1" to "5" Food Babies to help you compare establishments.
  • Cooking - Along with a passion for finding great restaurants, Food Babies staff members also enjoy cooking in the comfort of their own homes. Each Food Babies staff member has their own specialty, including baking, cheese making, beer brewing, meat smoking/curing, and creating a tasty weeknight dinner. Cooking posts will include the author's motivation for attempting a particular recipe as well as detailed steps and helpful hints for trying it yourself.
  • Procuring - It's hard to eat well at home if you can't find quality ingredients. Luckily, tucked away in many of its neighborhoods, Chicago is home to a number of excellent purveyors of meat, vegetables, cooking tools and other hard to find ingredients. While it’s easy to find a nice steak or a beautiful, shiny tomato at Whole Foods, Procuring posts will focus on harder to find establishments that offer a little more value and character.
Q. Why the name Food Babies?

A. Having a "food baby" is an all too familiar feeling to any true food lover. It goes beyond the common sensation of being "full" or "stuffed," but rather is a feeling of deep satisfaction that your temporary pain is for a good cause. It represents the belief that food isn't merely for sustenance, but with a little effort can be a truly memorable sensory and social experience. Urbandictionary.com provides a slightly more straightforward definition of a Food Baby: "when you eat so much, that your stomach looks pregnant."

The title of Food Babies also represents the youthful nature of the blog's "staff." While we may lack the financial resources of elder foodies, each of us has a serious passion about eating and cooking that goes beyond a normal hobby.

Q. How often will Food Babies be updated?

A. Generally there will be two new Food Babies posts a week, approximately eight a month. Food Babies staff will notify readers of updates electronically whenever possible, especially if I ever figure out how to work Twitter.

Q. Why should I read Food Babies?

A. There are a number of excellent food references on the web, many of which are listed to the right on the Blog Roll. I highly recommend checking out these sites frequently, especially LTH Forum. However, I believe what makes Food Babies unique is that it represents a number of different opinions and tastes. For instance, if you don't share my fascination with our friend the pig, this blog should offer a wide variety of topics to satisfy your food information appetite. All of us here at Food Babies have been giving restaurant and recipe recommendations for years to our family and friends. Overtime, as you get to know us I hope you will begin to trust our suggestions as well. Everyone here at Food Babies hopes this blog will become a frequent stop on your daily internet browsing routine, a place where you can find (and even contribute) entertaining and practical information about how to eat well in Chicago and beyond.

Q. How can I contribute to Food Babies?

A. Clearly the writers at Food Babies aren't the only self proclaimed foodies around. Please feel free to comment on subsequent posts with your own thoughts and opinions. Also, if you have a suggestion for a restaurant or recipe you want to see on the blog, or want to be a guest contributor, email us at FoodBabiesChicago@gmail.com. Lastly, if you enjoy the blog, please share it with your friends and family via good old fashioned conversation or on Facebook/twitter/etc..

Well, I think that covers all of the basics, although I may have failed in my efforts to avoid rambling on for pages and pages. Stay tuned for a much briefer introduction of the Food Babies staff and the first food related post later in week.


Self Titled Editor in Chief,


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