
tête du cochon - Longman & Eagle

40 Dishes - 40 Neighborhoods

Hello Food Babies,

I wanted to share a link with you to a piece put out recently by Chicago Magazine, detailing 40 dishes in 40 different Chicago neighborhoods.

They do a fantastic job of highlighting a mixture of popular places and some of the lesser known establishments around town that are serving some great food. As many of us have some extra time off over the holidays I highly suggest checking out this list and trying a few new places.

In particular, I suggest visiting number 37, Podhalanka, for some excellent winter comfort food. Podhalanka will be the subject of an upcoming Food Babies post that I will put up later in the week.

Happy Holidays,



  1. OMG this whole issue of Chicago Magazine was phenomenal- best I've seen in a while.

    Also, Jess and I discussed me doing a potential guest post on Food Babies about a recent cottage pie (aka the ultimate winter comfort food) I made. Shall we move forward?!


  2. Of course that sounds great, just email it to Jess when you are finished and attach any pictures you want me to include. Looking forward to reading it.


  3. Guess what I live close to! Podhalanka! Have only just moved in in September but haven't been yet. I keep looking for the right excuse!
